Useful things to know

A Collection

Rules about Fraudsters

Dear Customer, Partner, Value added ...
We kindly request you never to change BLANKOM or better IRENIS GmbH companies’ bank account details in your accounting and payment systems only based on email, letter, invoice, order confirmation or received phone call. Always verify the received new payment details (bank account number, routing number, IBAN, SWIFT, bank) from a previously known and trusted source. We recommend to verify these changes by a phone call with your known BLANKOM contact person.
We wish all BLANKOM partners see these actions as appropriate measures to avoid payments to criminal operators who send emails, letters, hacked and modified invoices and order confirmations as a result from phishing, or call customers asking to pay invoices to the criminals' bank accounts.


TV Technology is Complicated: Multilanguage


Alle von uns veröffentlichten Betriebsanleitungen richten sich an den Antennen- und IT-Fachmann, der über grundlegende Kenntnisse der Empfangs-, Netzwerk- und Anlagentechnik verfügt. Die Einhaltung aller relevanten Vorschriften und Richtlinien für den Aufbau und Betrieb von solchen Anlagen obliegt dem Installateur und/oder dem Betreiber. Insbesondere sind die in den jeweiligen Ländern geltenden Vorschriften und Richtlinien für die Inbetriebnahme speziell für den Stromanschluß und alle mit den Produkten in Zusammenhang stehenden und geltenden Normen und Gesetze einzuhalten.


All operating instructions published by us are intended for the antenna and IT specialist who has basic knowledge of reception, network and system technology. Compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines for the installation and operation of such systems is the responsibility of the installer and/or the operator. In particular, the regulations and guidelines applicable in the respective countries for commissioning, especially for the power connection, and all standards and laws related to the products must be complied with.


Tous les modes d’emploi que nous publions sont ntenna aux professionnels de l’antenne et de l’informatique qui ont des connaissances de base en matière de ntenna o, de mise en ntenn et de technologie des équipements. Le respect de toutes les réglementations et directives pertinentes pour l’installation et l’exploitation de ces ntenna relève de la responsabilité de l’installateur et/ou de l’exploitant. En particulier, il convient de respecter les réglementations et directives applicables dans les pays respectifs pour la mise en service, notamment pour le raccordement électrique, ainsi que toutes les nten et lois relatives aux produits.


Tutte le istruzioni per l’uso da noi pubblicate sono destinate al professionista dell’antenna e dell’informatica che ha una conoscenza di base della tecnologia di ricezione, di rete e delle apparecchiature. Il rispetto di tutti I regolamenti e le nte guida pertinenti per l’installazione e il funzionamento di tali sistemi è responsabilità dell’installatore e/o dell’operatore. In particolare, devono essere rispettati I regolamenti e le nte guida applicabili nei rispettivi paesi per la messa in funzione, soprattutto per il collegamento alla rete elettrica e tutte le norme e le leggi relative ai prodotti.


Todas las instrucciones de uso publicadas por nosotros se dirigen al ntenna onal de la ntenna y de la informática que tiene conocimientos básicos de recepción, de redes y de tecnología de equipos. El cumplimiento de todos los reglamentos y directrices pertinentes para la instalación y el funcionamiento de dichos sistemas es responsabilidad del instalador y/o del operador. En particular, deben cumplirse los reglamentos y directrices aplicables en los respectivos países para la puesta en marcha, especialmente para la conexión de la energía y todas las normas y leyes relacionadas con los productos.


Todas as instruções de operação publicadas por nós são destinadas ao ntenna onal de ntenna e TI que possui conhecimentos básicos de recepção, rede e tecnologia de equipamentos. O cumprimento de todos os regulamentos e diretrizes relevantes para a instalação e operação de tais sistemas é de responsabilidade do instalador e/ou do operador. Em particular, os regulamentos e diretrizes aplicáveis nos respectivos países para comissionamento, especialmente para a conexão de energia e todas as normas e leis relacionadas aos produtos devem ser obedecidas.

Hints for battery disposal

- We don't need to give any information about battery disposal, because we only have the remote controls of the SetTopBox in our program.
But these are delivered without batteries.
So for the sake of completeness: In connection with the sale of batteries or with the delivery of devices that contain batteries, we are obliged to inform you of the following:
You are legally obliged to return used batteries as an end user. You can return used batteries, which we carry or have carried as new batteries in our range, free of charge to our shipping warehouse (shipping address). The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning: The symbol of the crossed-out garbage can means that the battery must not be placed in the household garbage.
Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass.
Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 mass percent of cadmium
Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005 mass percent mercury.
Please observe the above instructions.